Section outline

  • Project

    SCOIR Secondary rights, Copyright, Open access, Institutional policies, and Rights retention

    This project will achieve the objectives outlined by NORF by drafting secondary rights legislation for Ireland and by creating an Open Access and Rights Retention policy framework for institutions and funders. The potential impact of secondary rights legislation on institutional RR policies will be considered alongside the existing policy landscape and the recommendations of the National Action Plan for Open Research, National Open Research Landscape Report, Copyright Legislation to Support Rights Retention Policy Brief.

    SCOIR Objectives  

    1.     Explore the adoption of secondary rights legislation in Ireland

    2.     Create an OA policy framework aligned with the Irish policy landscape

    3.     Explore adopting institutional RR statements or policies 

    4.     Create resources to support the first three objectives within and beyond the partnership

    SCOIR Outputs

    1.     Draft secondary rights legislation ready for adoption

    2.     Updated, NORF-aligned, institutional OA policy for Irish institutions and funding agencies

    3.     RR language included in policies of Irish RPOs

    The project will develop policy and build consensus using a collaborative, iterative approach via four work packages (WP2-WP5) and a project management work package (WP1)

    Each work package will have a working group comprised of project partners and each working group will be administered by the project manager and overseen by the project lead. Each working group will develop workplan and tasks by the first quarter of 2024. Appropriate governance and oversight arrangements will be in place between partners for management of funding and reporting processes.

    WP1: Project Management and Governance

    WP2: Exploring the introduction of secondary rights legislation

    WP Lead: Eoin O’Dell, TCD

    WP3: Investigating rights retention at an institutional level 
             WP Lead: Eoin O’Dell, TCD

    WP4: Open Access and Related Policy Updates

    WP Lead: Frances Madden, TU Dublin

    WP5 Alignment, Communications and Engagement

    WP Lead: Niamh Brennan, TCD


    SCOIR Milestones

    1.     Communications Plan

    2.     Clarification for universities regarding copyright of employees’ research outputs

    3.     Present indicative legislative recommendations to NORF

    4.     Complete review and SWOT analysis of OA policies

    5.     Present final legislative recommendation at an event

    6.     Complete engagement with institutions on rights retention shared statement and legal issues around open access and copyright

    7.     Agreed position on RR language and shared statement

    8.     Exemplar institutional OA policy

    9.     Exemplar funder OA policy

    10.  OER e-learning programme completed

    11.  Policy framework roadshows completed


    SCOIR Deliverables

    1.     Report exploring feasibility of secondary rights legislation including draft legislation

    2.     Survey for institutions on IP policies and rights retention requirements

    3.     Webinar on IP policies and rights retention requirements

    4.     Rights retention summer school

    5.     Report synthesising findings and rationale of IP policies and requirements

    6.     Report on shared position of institutional rights retention policies

    7.     Optimal institutional OA policy

    8.     Optimal funder OA policy

    9.     Communications Plan

    10.  Open Access and Rights Retention Policy Framework

    11.  Briefing materials

    12.  OER e-learning programme

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  • People


    Dr Eoin O'Dell, SCOIR P.I.
    WP1, WP2, WP3 Lead

    Trinity College Dublin
    Kaberi Basu
    Project Manager & Researcher
    WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5
    Trinity College Dublin
    Arushi Sharma Arushi Sharma
    Research Associate
    Trinity College Dublin

    Frances Madden

    Frances Madden (SCOIR Project Co-Lead)
    WP4 Lead
    TU Dublin
    Niamh Brennan
    WP5 Lead
    Trinity College Dublin



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  • Partners & Affiliates

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  • Advisory Board

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  • Funding

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  • Contact

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  • Resources

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  • Outputs

    The outputs and deliverables of the project will be posted here.

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  • Glossary

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  • Social Media

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